Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pumpkins and Gnats

Hey. I know its been a few days since my last blog but its been a busy, busy week! Alex started the week in his new class at daycare and is adjusting well with it. Some rough patches but he has been doing okay. And I have been working and working, happy that our trip is now offically only two weeks away. My "peeps" up in Atlanta are getting excited and we are talking on daily basis about plans and things. My beads for my new jewelry business arrived today was happy with some and not pleased with others, and one thing, the wire, was MIA(kind of an important thing) so had to mad dash to the store and pay retail(hate that). So this week Ill be completing samples and posting the pics to the facebook page and counting down days till the trip:)
On another note Alex and I took a trip to a Pumpkin Patch this afternoon I was super excited about and Alex , of course, not so much. I took as many pictures as I could many of them of a not so excited nor happy baby. Maybe next year he will enjoy it a little more. We picked out two pumpkins one orange and a pretty white one(albino????dont know what its called) and have placed them on the front steps of the house.All the halloween decorations are up except the skeleton garland that goes over the front door..that will be done that fall is upon us but hate that it was in the 90's today...was Hot up in that patch....and there were gnats lots of gnats..damn gnats

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